A DANCE group and a construction company have co-existed in Settle's Drill Hall since March while extension works were ongoing - and those works have now made significant progress.

Settle Swans continued its weekly ballet and tap classes while CM Developments Ltd has been working on an extension at the scout headquarters.

The new extension incorporates a gateway entrance onto Castleberg.

A spokesperson for Settle Scouts said: "None of this could have come to fruition without the Settle Town Council giving us the land required to build on in the first place, in addition to the numerous grant aids we have received from far and wide.

"Our local community have supported us by attending our varied fundraising events over the years and by donating financially too."

The new extension houses an internal staircase as well as a lift to hall level, with an automatic door opener to make the building accessible to all.

Beginners and advanced dancers alike are welcome to join Settle Swans, with more information available from Marjorie Walker on 07806 704282.

The Settle Scouts can be contacted at settlescouting@gmail.com