APPLICANTS behind refused plans to install four rapid electric vehicle charging stations at Booth's Supermarket in Settle have lodged an appeal.

In September, plans by InstaVolt to install the charging stations at the Kirkgate supermarket were turned down by North Yorkshire Council on grounds including the loss of a Beech tree and a Sycamore tree described by the council's trees officer as 'high quality'. The application will now be reviewed by a government planning inspector who can either allow the development, or uphold the refusal decision of the council.

Proposed is the installation of two charging stations on a tarmacked section of the car park while the other two, a substation and feeder cabinet, are proposed for a grassed area. Six of the existing spaces at the car park will be taken up by charging bays.

A planning officer's report stated at the time: "The development presents a significant risk of damage to, or loss of, two category A trees which make a valuable contribution to the setting within the Settle Conservation Area, and therefore fails to respond adequately to the context, to maintain local distinctiveness and would harm the character and appearance of the Settle Conservation Area contrary to Craven Local Plan policies."