SKIPTON Rotary Club  has launched a series of competitions for young creatives and performers in the Craven area.

The contests are open to anyone under 18 and cover a range of categories, including Young Musician, Young Artist, Young Photographer, Young Writer, Young Chef, and Youth Speaks.

The competitions aim to help young people to explore their passions, improve their skills, and gain community recognition.

Nicky Shoesmith, head of the youth team for Skipton Rotary, said: "We’re thrilled to provide this opportunity for young people to express their creativity and showcase their talents.

"It’s a fantastic way for them to grow and connect with others who share their interests."

She added: "This is a unique opportunity for young people across Craven to shine. Don’t miss out—good luck to all who enter!"

For more detailed information on each category, interested participants can refer to the Skipton Rotary website at, or contact Ms Shoesmith via email at