A SCHEME to build four new homes in Langcliffe, near Settle, has been rejected by a Government planning inspector.

An outline application by Steadman Construction to build the properties and a solar array to the west of Bowerley Gardens, New Street to Langcliffe Road, was refused permission by North Yorkshire Council in May. The council rejected the scheme on grounds of its harm to the Langcliffe Conservation Area and the Settle to Carlisle Railway Conservation Area.

That decision has now been upheld by a Government planning inspector after an appeal was made to the planning inspectorate.

In his decision, the inspector, Ryan Cowley, said there had been representations from both those in favour and those against the proposal. His attention had also been drawn to several previous planning decisions both at the site and on neighbouring land, including for 48 holiday units in 1984 and hotel extensions in 1980 and 1989.

He said: "None of these examples, nor others set out in the planning history of the site before me, demonstrate that the appeal proposal would comply with the current development plan."

He concluded that the proposed development would conflict with the council's development plan.