Settle’s Booth’s supermarket has resubmitted a planning application to have restrictions lifted on some produce.

The plans will be discussed in private at the district council’s planning committee on Monday June 28 and the deadline for comments is Wednesday.

Booths received planning permission in 2000, but with restrictions. In 2006 it applied to have some of these lifted, but the matter was deferred for legal discussions.

It is currently not allowed to sell food for eating on the premises, products baked on the premises or hot food to eat off the premises. It cannot sell pharmacy products, newspapers, magazines, stationery and books, recorded music or films, decorating materials, hardware and clothing.

Representations had originally been made by individuals and businesses, including the Chamber of Trade. The Chamber retracted its objection, but some businesses continued to object.

Previous comments will be taken into account but, due to the four-year lapse, the council is inviting further comments.

Planning committee chairman Richard Welch said the plans were initially due to be determined at May’s meeting, but were deferred to give residents time to respond.

“Opinions may have changed over four years, so it is only right that this application is given a fair and proper hearing,” he said. “People need to have the opportunity to consider the possible implications and how it may affect the market place businesses now and in the years to come.”

A spokesman for Craven District Council said the report to the committee would not be made public and would be considered once press and public had been excluded because it contained legal advice to councillors.

There will be the opportunity for a representative of the objectors, the parish council and the applicant/supporters to address the committee.

The meeting will be held at the council’s Granville Street office in Skipton at 1.30pm.