Applications are now open for a summer internship and it’s an ideal position for wine lovers.

Specialist wine retailer Majestic is looking for a summer ‘vintern’ who will visit a Portuguese vineyard and taste its wine.

The job role was created to help the brand’s Wine Club determine if wine tastes better abroad and even better, the successful candidate can take a friend with them.

The new ‘vintern’ will take a three-day trip to the Quinta Da Boavista vineyard, trying wines from Majestic’s Spain & Portugal Summer Case in situ and then retry the same bottles back at home for comparison.

Craven Herald: Grapes in a vineyard (Canva)Grapes in a vineyard (Canva)

The ideal candidate for Majestic’s vinternship

The successful candidate will not need any prior experience, just a passion for wine and a valid passport.

The role will take place at Quinta Da Boavista vineyard which is run by family-owned business Casa Santos Lima and was distinguished as the ‘Best Portuguese Producer’ by the prestigious ‘Mundus Vini 2021’ wine awards.

In addition to flights and accommodation, the ‘vintern’ will receive £600 remuneration for the three day’s work, the equivalent of a £52,000 annual salary.

The salary is based on £200 per day for a three-day role. Equivalent to £1,000 per week and £52,000 per year.

Craven Herald: Grapes and glasses of wine next to a barrel (Canva)Grapes and glasses of wine next to a barrel (Canva)

What will the successful candidate get up to?

The successful candidate will start their day with a guided tour of the vineyard by traditional horse and carriage.

Then they’ll visit the wine cellar and barrel room to appreciate the full process from grape to bottle.

When done, they’ll sample a series of wine and premium olive oils, tasting wines from five regions around Portugal: the Algarve, Alentejo, Lisboa, Douro, and Vinho Verdes.

The working day will finish early, with the ‘vintern’ and their plus one enjoying a three-course lunch with the vineyard’s own tipples.

After their visit to Portugal, the ‘vintern’ will re-sample the Majestic Wine Club Spain & Portugal Summer Case to compare the flavour and enjoyment of the wine in different locations.

Their findings will be published on the Majestic website, confirming once and for all if wine actually tastes better on holiday.

Craven Herald: Wine being poured from a bottle to a glass (Canva)Wine being poured from a bottle to a glass (Canva)

How to apply to be Majestic’s ‘vintern’

If you’d like to apply for the position, here’s how you can.

You’ll need to visit the Majestic website and submit 200 words on why you think you deserve the role plus your opinion on whether wine tastes better abroad.

Applications for the role close on August 19, 2022 and the role will begin in September on a date that Majestic and the successful applicant agree on.

If this summer position proves successful then Majestic will look into offering more vinterships.