Do you need a new passport this year? Booking a trip abroad will require a valid passport so it’s worth checking the expiry date.

If you’ve never had a passport or need to renew one, there’s a cost to it and knowing how much it will set you back will help you budget for your trip.

So how much does it cost to buy a passport? Prices are different for adults and children and they increased in April 2024.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Did you know it is cheaper to renew your passport online? <a href="">#SaveMoneySaveTime</a> ✅⏰<br><br>↪️Don't delay and renew today! <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— His Majesty’s Passport Office (@HM_Passport) <a href="">June 14, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

How much does it cost to buy a passport?

Here are the new prices for applying for a passport.

It's cheaper to apply for a new passport online than by post but it’s up to you which method you want to use.

  • Standard 34-page passport (apply online) - adults £88.50, children £57.50
  • Standard 34-page passport (apply by post) - adults £100, children £69

Free passports are available for people who meet the criteria which you can see below.

You can find more information via the government website.

UK passport renewal guide

Recommended reading:

If you were born on or before September 2, 1929 you can get a free passport whether you choose to apply online or by post, the government website explains.

You will also need to "hold any British nationality" to be eligible for a free passport.

You can find out more about buying or renewing a passport via the government website.