PROPOSED changes to the council's waste collection service always makes for lively discussion.

Remember the old, traditional metal dustbins? Remember when they were replaced by wheelie bins? They were too heavy, they were ugly, people would fall into them, it was feared.

The former Craven District Council introduced garden waste collections, then started charging for it when it was looking for 'alternative revenue streams' during the austerity years.

Then there were collection points. Residents of terraced properties with streets not wide enough for the bin lorries were instructed to take their bins to collection points. It was also better for the bin men and women, musculoskeletal problems being a real issue in the waste department.

Now, the new, massive North Yorkshire Council is trying to find a solution to the contamination of recycled waste - that's when wrong bits of plastic are mixed up with the right bits of plastic and the whole bin becomes 'contaminated' and of use to no one.

The proposed solution to this is two recycling bins, one for glass, plastics and cans, and one for paper and cardboard, with alternate, fortnightly collections.

Interestingly, this more regular collection of recyclables will reduce incidents of 'wildlife' being attracted to the bins.

The council has launched a consultation and is inviting people to have their say through its Let's Talk campaign.

It is under orders to move towards improved recycling collections and to recycle 65 per cent of its waste by 2035.

So, unless someone can come up with a better idea, we're going to have to get used to another recycling bin to add to the family of bins outside our houses - but what colour will it be?