WHEN the first Covid lockdown started in March 2020 I did the 'right thing' - being considered 'vulnerable' at 74 - and left the house to food shop just twice a week, wore a face mask and otherwise hid under the table.

But I wanted to help the 'war effort' in some way, so I asked Sutton Pharmacy if they needed help delivering medications. They did, and for the next three and a half years I was out on the road every Friday.

They offered me money for petrol – I said I was having such a good time I should be paying them. I got to know so many people. And I never asked for expenses because of the job’s therapeutic effects for me. And the pharmacy became a surrogate family to me.

But at 78, it’s got physically a bit too much for me now, so I’ve very sadly withdrawn my service.

Despite its small size the pharmacy is a really extraordinary place. They’ll put themselves out to help everybody, scrip bearers or not.

They deliver from Cowling to Eastburn and Kildwick - Boots feel Cowling is “too far”. Given the postage stamp size of the dispensary, every day’s a miracle of production and organisation. And in the front, Karen and Andrea put themselves out time and again to help people who need it.

So this letter is to publicly thank the pharmacy for letting me work for them and helping me get life get back to normal; and to recommend them without any reservations whatsoever. The staff have been wonderful in all ways and I shall miss them. I suggest you make them your pharmacy of choice. You won’t regret it.

Allan Friswell
