THE Craven Herald has suggested that my election as mayor of Skipton town for the coming year was against tradition but that is not the case (Skipton's new Mayor Claire Nash looks forward to her year in office, online May 17).

The tradition until 2023 was that a senior councillor who had not previously been mayor became deputy mayor and the following year, moved up to become mayor.

In 2023, when Cllr Madeley was chosen as deputy mayor, this was a break with tradition as he had previously been mayor.

Last Thursday, May 16, Cllr Madeley did not stand as mayor. Some members of Skipton Town Council (whose view prevailed) wanted to keep the tradition of choosing a senior member of council who had not yet been mayor, some members wanted to abandon tradition and choose one of the two most junior members of council, and the outgoing mayor wanted to abandon tradition and be mayor for a second term.

A house divided but I hope despite that to enjoy my year as mayor with the aid of Cllr Feather (the other senior member of council who has not yet been mayor) as deputy.

Cllr Claire Nash (Mayor of Skipton)
