WHAT a surprise that people like Chris Packham are moaning about the five Extinction Rebellion protesters who closed the M25 for four days finally being given custodial sentences that actually reflect the disruption that they have caused to people trying to get on with their lives and the vast cost of the damage caused by their actions.

They may not have physically assaulted anybody but stopping people from getting to hospital appointments and funeral services is still a form of assault from a distance.

What all these ecological campaigners and the holier than thou celebrities and politicians who support them need to ask themselves is this question: have these last few years of disruption, damage to business premises and defacement of works of art actually done one single thing to halt climate change nationally or globally.

I think they will find the answer is a big resounding no. In fact all the traffic disruption caused has probably increased global warming. Let’s hope these prison sentences deter others from carrying on with these pointless exercises.

Paul Morley Long Preston