ALTHOUGH I didn't live in Earby when there was a railway running from Colne to Skipton, I've been here for 25 years now, drive on all the roads very often and know exactly where the railway track used to run, having walked along much of it over time (Skipton Council reaffirms support for 'missing link' railway, Craven Herald, July 25).

If the line was replaced there'd be a lot of work to rebuild bridges in various places, including over the canal at Foulridge but as I'm now 76 I doubt it will be done in my lifetime.

However, the one thing that would concern me is that there would have to be a level crossing in Earby over the narrowest part of the road between the church and School Lane, as the original track goes from one side of the road to the other.

Depending on how many trains would run on this line, knowing how much more traffic there is now compared with when the line was there in the past, also the size of the many huge lorries using this road, a level crossing could be a serious nuisance. Has anyone actually considered this fact?

Tessa Bird
